While many people think that a credit card has a preset limit as to how much you can spend, this is not true. It's also not true that a credit card expense is a short-term loan and by signing the receipt, you’re agreeing to repay.
So, what is a credit card?
Basically, when you buy something with a credit card, you're agreeing (up front) that you'll pay for the item(s). So, this is similar to cash in that when you pay the credit card bill in full and on time at the end of each month, you won't have to pay interest. However, if you carry a balance, you'll have to pay some really high-interest rates.
So, stop wasting money paying interest and start cashing in with great deals like these...
Sterling Silver Diamond Knot Pendant Necklace , 18"
List Price: $73.47
Sale Price: $36.93
You Save: $36.54 (50%)
Country Time Lemonade Drink Mix Canister, 82.5 Ounce
Price: $9.08 ($0.11 / Ounce) + $7.49 shipping
Minecraft Blockopedia
List Price: $49.99
Sale Price: $22.82
Save: $27.17 (54%)
Basily YNF7311 Wine Aerator Spout Pourer Decanter, Black
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $10.99
You Save: $19.00 (63%)
Monster High New Scaremester Invisi Billy Doll
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $6.62
You Save: $13.37 (67%)
2014 New Minions Despicable Me 2 Removable Wall stickers Decal Kids Decor Home Mural Arts
List Price: $16.19
Sale Price: $4.18
You Save: $12.01 (74%)
Get a $5 Amazon Gift Card just for downloading and signing in to the Amazon app for the first time!
15% Off Coast Flashlights and Products
Battlefield Hardline - Xbox 360
List Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $39.99 & FREE Shipping
You Save: $20.00 (33%)
Domire Fashion Cute Mini Finger Ring
Price: $1.88 & FREE Shipping
So, what is a credit card?
Basically, when you buy something with a credit card, you're agreeing (up front) that you'll pay for the item(s). So, this is similar to cash in that when you pay the credit card bill in full and on time at the end of each month, you won't have to pay interest. However, if you carry a balance, you'll have to pay some really high-interest rates.
So, stop wasting money paying interest and start cashing in with great deals like these...
Sterling Silver Diamond Knot Pendant Necklace , 18"
List Price: $73.47
Sale Price: $36.93
You Save: $36.54 (50%)
Country Time Lemonade Drink Mix Canister, 82.5 Ounce
Price: $9.08 ($0.11 / Ounce) + $7.49 shipping
Minecraft Blockopedia
List Price: $49.99
Sale Price: $22.82
Save: $27.17 (54%)
Basily YNF7311 Wine Aerator Spout Pourer Decanter, Black
List Price: $29.99
Sale Price: $10.99
You Save: $19.00 (63%)
Monster High New Scaremester Invisi Billy Doll
List Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $6.62
You Save: $13.37 (67%)
2014 New Minions Despicable Me 2 Removable Wall stickers Decal Kids Decor Home Mural Arts
List Price: $16.19
Sale Price: $4.18
You Save: $12.01 (74%)
Get a $5 Amazon Gift Card just for downloading and signing in to the Amazon app for the first time!
15% Off Coast Flashlights and Products
Battlefield Hardline - Xbox 360
List Price: $59.99
Sale Price: $39.99 & FREE Shipping
You Save: $20.00 (33%)
Domire Fashion Cute Mini Finger Ring
Price: $1.88 & FREE Shipping
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